Monday, May 2, 2016

okavango delta

Okavango delta - Okavango Delta is widely believed to be the world's largest inland delta

Where in the world is it -  in Botswana is a very large inland delta formed where the Okavango River reaches a tectonic trough in the central part of the endorheic basin of the Kalahari.

How was is created - where the Okavango River reaches a tectonic trough in the central part of the endorheic basin of the Kalahari. All the water reaching the Delta is ultimately evaporated and transpired, and does not flow into any sea or ocean, island growth is also related to the deposition of aerosols and the accumulation of dust preferentially on islands and possibly to ongoing termite activity

Animals -  African bush elephantAfrican buffalohippopotamuslechwetsessebesitatungablue wildebeestAngolan giraffeNile crocodileSouthwest African lionSouth African cheetahAfrican leopardbrown hyenaspotted hyenaspringbokgreater kudusable antelopesouth-central black rhinocerossouthern white rhinocerosBurchell's zebracommon warthog and chacma baboon. Notably the endangered Cape wild dog survives within the Okavango Delta

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